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看完这个你就不吃开江鱼了!/Say No to Thawing River Fish

上传时间:2018-04-30 16:03:00    来自:admin

We filmed a video to promote Say No to Thawing River Fish with various people, from students to officials, from fisherman to restaurant servers, from local people to tourists. We all share the same thoutht that our attitude toward overfishing in thawing river could be crucial to many wild fish species.

The amount of fish migration to Heilongjiang province is decreasing annually by 5%.The body functions of fish in have not yet recovered thawing river, which makes them easier to be caught. Overfishing in thawing river before the spawning season will have seriously impact in the normal reproduction of wild fish and lead to a sharp decline in the total amount of fish.


1. 黑龙江省鱼类洄游量正以每年5%的数量逐年递减

2. 开江期鱼类身体机能尚未恢复,无力躲避危险

3. 大量捕杀未到产卵期的开江鱼,会导致鱼类数量骤减

4. 开江期的过度捕捞,会严重破坏了野生鱼类的正常繁衍生息

5. 我们对开江鱼的态度,将决定多种野生鱼类的命运
